AccuWeigh have just completed an overhaul of the weighbridge equipment for a large, Central Queensland transport company. The five-deck, multi-deck weighbridge, is an above ground style weighbridge which measures the axle groups load of a vehicle simultaneously while on the weighbridge.
The original weighbridge used five individual digital indicators, each dedicated to a single deck. Six liquid crystal remote displays mounted on a tower were used to display the deck weights and a total to the drives at the end of the weighbridge. The digital indicators and remote displays are over ten years old and with limited connectivity to modern, third party information systems.
AccuWeigh replaced the five digital indicators with a single AccuWeigh IT8000E weighing terminal, which is capable of interfacing with up to eight weighing platforms simultaneously. The IT8000E also has excellent connectivity to other devices and is fully programmable, if some customisation is required.
A second IT8000E terminal was used externally as a driver control station for vehicle drivers to produce weighing transaction tickets. The six remote displays were replaced with modern, LED remote displays which can be seen in any light level, including the midday sun. An LED traffic control light was also supplied to communicate with the driver.
Modern electronic equipment not only has better connectivity but is also energy efficient, less susceptible to electro-magnetic interference, less likely to cause electro-magnetic interference, and uses the latest technology in electronics.