A market leading fertiliser company had significant accuracy issues with their weighbridge at their Goomalling depot in WA, north east of Perth. The design of the weighbridge was such that very little space was available to enable the customer to be able to effectively remove the build-up of debris between the weighbridge deck and foundation. The debris underneath the weighbridge was impeding the natural movement of the deck during weighing and inaccuracies were the inevitable result.
AccuWeigh were engaged to provide a solution, being removing of the decks so cleaning and reinstallation could occur. AccuWeigh in turn engaged regional contractors to lift the decks clear of the foundation and another to provide machinery and people to remove the debris.
Once the foundation was clear the decks were replaced on the existing load cells and the whole system was calibrated and then verified to NITP 6.1-6.4 as required under trade measurement legislation. The entire process was completed under time and on budget thanks to the organisational abilities of the AccuWeigh team.
AccuWeigh’s service departments around Australia often perform weighbridge and industrial scale overhauls just like this example. The fact that we also have weighbridge test rig units in most states also means we can effect fast scale calibrations, even in remote and rural locations throughout Australia.
For more information about our scales and weighing systems for waste management, contact your nearest branch.