With the recent failure of the silo weighing systems at an Iron Ore Mine in Western Australia’s Pilbara region, AccuWeigh’s Perth branch were called in to help. With the problem impacting on site productivity AccuWeigh were able to deliver a solution requiring just a simple replacement of load cells rather than options requiring modifications. This enabled the weigh silos to again perform accurate loading of product into rail cars.
The Silos were originally fitted with a competitor’s load cells. However these became damaged and needed to be replaced. AccuWeigh were engaged to supply replacement load cells in the form of the high quality Thames-Side Sensors T38 Double Ended shear beam load cells.
The T38’s were chosen as they are a direct replacement for the damaged loadcells and were found to be a more cost effective solution than the originals. AccuWeigh also were able to assist the customer with identifying a shortcoming with the original system that was overcome with the installation of earthing systems to greatly reduce the chance for a repeat of the original damage.
AccuWeigh is a major supplier of load cells and load cell kits in Australia with access to numerous makes and models.