We recently hosted a semi-open house at our new Ballarat facility – the new hub of our industrial robotics operations – and we were ecstatic to share with the attendees what these systems were all about.
This group of robots were an eclectic bunch, with some for palletising, some for material handling, and a majority for welding. Each robot is configured as a system, specific to each customer’s requirements and delivered as a turnkey solution that are ready to be incorporated into their operations.
Our Ballarat site is still in it’s infancy and we will be having more open house events moving forward. During this particular event, we had 6 businesses attending for robotic welding specific trials and demos (a very common application we’re involved with across Australian industry). These particular customers were interested in utilising industrial robots to fully-automate their welding operations – common for large-scale welding operations. Alternatively, if a customer is looking to augment and empower their existing welding operations with a bit of automation then we would point them in the direction of collaborative welding robots, which are designed for exactly that.
We’re keen to host more of these events so stay tuned for more updates! If you’re interested in attending a future event or would like to get a live demonstration of these robots please feel free to get in touch with our Industrial Robotics Manager, Jack Bain, at jack.bain@diverseco.com.au/diverseco2.