Every legal-for-trade, verified, weighing solution that SCACO supply can be used to comply with the SOLAS Method 2 requirements. Whether you need or want to use Forklift Scales, Platform Sales, or other NMI verified methods SCACO have a method 2 solution for you.
The changes adopted by the IMO and the AMSA to improve the safety of container shipping movements provide for two methods of weight verification:
Method 1 – Weigh the loaded container; or
Method 2 – Weigh all contents of the container and add it to the tare weight. Estimations are not permitted and the weight under the guidelines (MSC.1/Circ.1475) with SOLAS requiring use of “calibrated and certified equipment” for this purpose.
All platform scales provided with the CubiScan 1200 AKL systems in use in Australia up to now are compliant with SOLAS method 2 requirements. This means that according to SOLAS weight verification method 2, you may weigh all items that are to be loaded into a shipping container with the CS1200 platform scale and add that sum to the tare weight of the container (and the weight of any other packing or bracing used) to comply with your SOLAS requirements for weight verification.

Above: SOLAS approved CubiScan Scale

Above: SOLAS approved SCACO Platform Scale
In addition to these platform scales SCACO provide many other legal for trade measurement solutions. The legal-for-trade RAVAS iForks, in particular, are an ideal solution for method 2. They incorporate loadcells and wireless data comms technology into a unique forklift tine design. They are verified legal for trade by the NMI, can weigh up to 2,000 kgs and weigh in 2kg increments. They are the most accurate forklift scales in the world.

SOLAS approved Ravas iForks
In addition to our exclusive legal for trade solutions, as Australia’s leading systems integrator SCACO also provide a vast array of data and file export options as well as SOLAS reporting options.
No matter what your SOLAS reporting requirements might be SCACO have a solution for you.
Australian Maritime Safety Institute (AMSA) is the Australian body responsibly for implementing SOLAS as well as any other safety related aspects of the International Maritime Organisation.
National Measurements Institute (NMI) is Australia’s measurement compliancnd testing body – they are the primary authority in Australia when it comes to weights and measures.
SOLAS Frequently Asked Questions:
Notice in section – ‘What is the permitted tolerance of VGM?’ that the tolerance is not specified by SOLAS but the system must be calibrated and certified according to NMI requirements. Which is true of all our legal for trade scales including those used with the CS1200.
Introduction/summary of SOLAS by Australian Maritime Safety Institute:
About NMI: http://www.measurement.gov.au/Documents/NMIbrochure.pdf