Accuweigh recently supplied a G03EX fully-automatic wheel washer to an iconic NSW mine near Broken Hill. The G03EX wheel washer is specifically designed for easy and frequent relocation due to its low-profile and modular construction.
Because of its low-profile, the G03EX can be bolted to entry and exit ramps which allow it to be installed on any flat and stable surface, unlike other wheel wash models that require a concrete pit installation to house it. However, the G03EX can also be installed in a concrete pit if required.
The entire washing process is fully automated with a sensor detecting the presence of a vehicle for washing. The 148 main frame and side nozzles and the high 2kg/cm3 water pressure ensure that mud and debris are effectively removed from the tyres and vehicle underbody – enabling the company to meet stringent environmental obligations by minimising potentially dangerous ‘track-out’ onto public and local roads.
This customer can expect to wash up to 200 vehicles per day because of the automatic operation.
The wheel washer is economic to operate with most of the water used during a vehicle wash being reclaimed by the machine, minimising the need to top up the 5,000 litre water tank.
Although not supplied with this particular installation, AccuWash also has a range of options that can further treat the reclaimed water to remove or solidify fine sediment and other contaminants. These include weed and seed filters, hydrocyclone units, automatic flocculent injectors and water clarifier units.
AccuWash wheel washers are competitively priced and provide and excellent solution for many mines, quarries and construction sites to meet their environmental obligations, as well as making any company a good community citizen.
To learn more about our wheel washer range, visit here: https://diverseco.com.au/wheel-wash.php. To see a G03EX in action, watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iv-NsQ5TRlY or visit our YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/user/AccuweighGroup) to view other wheel washer demonstrations.