AccuWeigh has supplied and installed an industrial load cell constrainer kit for an engineering company which has been a long-standing customer of AccuWeigh. The load cell constrainer kit was fitted to a brand new hopper for a water treatment plant located at Kawana, north of Brisbane.
The Kawana weigh hopper was calibrated with a maximum capacity of 120 tonnes by 50 kilogram divisions. Calibration was performed using the digital indicator’s calibration simulation mode rather than with live test masses, a method that can only be performed by experienced and well trained service technicians.
The digital indicator was fitted with a 4-20mA output option which transmits the weight of the product in the weigh hopper to the customer’s PC system. From there, the weight of the product in the weigh hopper can be sent via SMS to truck drivers that request it (via SMS) so the drivers can determine how full the hopper is before they arrive to site.
AccuWeigh’s installation technicians also assisted with the installation of the hopper itself, which was craned directly in to position. In a perfect world, this is ideally how weigh hoppers should be commissioned – right from the get go. However, in the real world, many hoppers are installed without weighing componentry and only later do their owners wish them to weigh the product or material that they hold. The real advantage of the load cell constrainer kits is that they can also be retrofitted to existing hoppers without a significant amount of labour or cost.