With a customer performing a major facility upgrade including the supply of new product and loadout silos, AccuWeigh’s Perth branch became involved due to the need for weighing the silos to determine the content and enable Trade Weighing of the product being loaded out.
Having consulted with our customer to ensure the design of the silos will be compliant with the requirements for Trade Weighing and Verification, AccuWeigh’s WA based team then selected our AccuCell 30 tonne capacity load cells to be used in conjunction with our heavy capacity constrainer mounts.
The constrainer mounts provide uplift and sideways movement restraint to ensure the silos are always secure in their new location. Our AccuCell load cells under the six silos are then connected with our IT8000E programmable intelligent digital weight terminal, the single terminal capable of interface with up to eight individual scale systems, and delivering trade weights to the customer’s loading control system.
The AccuCell is a robust, stainless steel loadcell that is used in many heavy-duty weighing applications. Contact us for more information.