Dillon has recently been involved in an Oil and Gas lifting project located off the West Coast of Africa which involved the use of 21 EDXtreme 5T Dynamometers, linked to a single hand-held communicator.
The Dillon dynamometers were used to ensure correct lifting and tension of a roof installation on an aluminium geodesic dome (a gas and oil storage tank). 21 grip hoists were installed on the wind girder of the storage tank. An EDXtreme was placed on each grip hoist around the circumference of the roof, which in unison performed the lift and measured the load.
Each grip hoist was monitored in real time by an EDXtreme 5 tonne capacity dynamometer. The information from each of the 21 dynamometers was then relayed to the Dillon hand-held Communicator device. The Communicator showed readings from each EDXtreme (ED1, ED2, ED3, ED4) as the lift took place.
The hand-held communicator was also linked to a laptop via RS232 to relay the readings from all 21 dynamometers to monitor the overall lift.
AccuWeigh is a proud supplier of Dillon dynamometers and, in particular, the EDXtreme which has proven to be a very popular product due to its compact size yet robust build.
Contact us for more information about our range of industrial scales.