A prominent meat wholesaler in Yamanto, south of Ipswich, has purchased an AccuWeigh model AWPS-60KAL scale to weigh and sell packaged meat. The AWPS-60KAL platform scales are extremely practical scales for this application for several reasons.
Firstly, the AWPS-60KAL is rated to IP68, which is necessary in food processing plants to allow for wash-down at the end of each day. The IP68 rating also protects the scale during use while in the cold room. Its predominantly stainless steel construction eliminates any potential for corrosion in the harsh environment and resists contamination from food products.
The scale is also trade-approved, meaning it can be used to legally buy and sell product based on its weight reading, enabling the meat wholesaler to meet its obligations towards fair trading with its customers and suppliers.
The carton scale is also very portable. At just 16kg in total weight, and using D-sized alkaline batteries, the scale can be positioned anywhere a stable surface exists. An optional RS-232 or USB port further enhances the scale’s versatility and usefulness.
For more information about our scales and weighing systems for packing rooms and industrial scale solutions, contact us today at Accuweigh.