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AccuWeigh’s Chain of Responsibility Solution

AccuWeigh had previously been hiring a set of its Low-Profile Axle Weighers (LPAX) to a company that operates and maintains high voltage electricity transmission network in Queensland. The company hired the LPAX to meet its chain of responsibility obligations, ensuring vehicles did not leave their site overloaded or off-centre loaded.


The company was so impressed with the accuracy and reliability of the axle weighbridge that it purchased the unit. As a result, AccuWeigh fitted the LPAX with a large remote display and printer to further augment the axle weigher and provide this company with a permanent, long-term solution.

AccuWeigh’s LPAX low-profile axle weigher has proved a popular option for weighing vehicle axles. Although not a trade-approved weighing instrument, its extremely low-profile ensures very accurate weighing results and is sufficient for many companies to meet their Chain of Responsibility obligations at a fraction of the cost of a weighbridge or typical axle weigher.

The LPAX suits all types of vehicles including commercial vans, rigids, semi-trailers.

To learn more about our LPAX axle weigher, contact our nearest branch to you or use our online contact page.

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