The team from AccuWeigh’s Brisbane branch recently travelled to Papua New Guinea to convert a bin into a weighing system. AccuWeigh fabricated and supplied four steel ‘out-riggers’ which were welded to the side of the bin in four, evenly-spaced locations. Under each of these out-riggers, we installed a 30 tonne capacity, stainless steel load cell and constrainer assembly, the kind that are used for weigh silos here in Australia.
AccuWeigh also provided an IT8000E weighing controller and networked this with other data collection systems at the site so that mass measurement data could be shared.
We’ve previously written many articles on the numerous benefits of the load cell constrainer assembly and how it can be virtually retrofitted to any bin or silo. However, this is one of the few installations where the load cells and constrainer assemblies could not be installed under the bin and had to be installed to the side instead.
This is an example of how AccuWeigh can adapt existing designs or create bespoke solutions to help our clients overcome challenges; unlike other companies that only provide out-of-the box, off-the-shelf solutions.
Can your vessel be converted in to a weighing system?