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Nitta Swivel Joint:
If you have a robotic application with a large number of rotations of the end effector, or if you are having trouble with wiring and/or hoses abrading or being torn off, or if you need to pass multiple signals/services to the end effector, then you need a Nitta Swivel Joint! In particular, you need the latest development in swivel joint technology, the Gyro Joint. The Gyro Joint is designed to fit between the end of the robot wrist and the spot weld servo gun. The patented Gyro Joint system from Nitta is a rotary joint that can continuously supply water and air whilst welding a primary current and control signal from the stationary section to the rotary section.
Nitta Tool Change System:
Nitta boasts an extensive range of Tool Changers to enable your industrial robot to switch tools easily. This greatly increases flexibility and application options. With its built-in mechanism for automatically switching the utility supplies (electrical, pneumatic, water, etc), the system is designed to optimise maximum use from your robot. A Nitta Tool Change System enables you to use your robot with a wide variety of tools, enabling major automation of various processes. The latest of the tool changers is the Gyro Changer; a swivel joint and tool change mechanism rolled into one. If you are swapping end effector’s frequently then the Gyro Changer is the tool for you.
Unique Cam Lock Mechanism:
This product ensures firm connection and complete separation. It compensates for wearing of the cam and lock pin, remains backlash-free for a long period and maintains safety even when the pneumatic supply fails (fail-safe).