In a quest to find greater efficiencies and increase safety for the staff on site, AccuWeigh’s Perth branch have recently commissioned a new weighing system for a highly-regarded plastic film manufacturer in Perth.
The weighing system has been installed on existing equipment to remove the need for double handling of the item to be weighed. Once the item is weighed, the system then produces an adhesive label which includes production information and a barcode via the thermal transfer printer included in the supply.
Using bespoke software created by our dedicated software team our Systec IT8000E intelligent weighing terminal interfaces with the printer to produce the tickets, and also the site network for data collection and reporting functions.
This system might appear to be a difficult supply but, in fact, AccuWeigh specialises in custom applications and supplies, and our ability to provide custom systems and software is one of the reasons customers continue to come to us for problem solving and out-of-the-box solutions to improve their site’s efficiency.