Chain of Responsibility in a serious issue. Freight carriers and Distribution Centres alike are increasingly adopting easy-to-use, un-manned, in-motion axle weighing solutions to manage their NHVR mass management responsibilities. More than any other measurement specialist in Australia, SCACO are at the forefront of new developments that simplify the use of these sophisticated weighing technologies.
SCACO recently partnered with Ultrahawke Weighbridges (http://www.ultrahawke.com.au) to provide Australia’s largest beverage manufacturer several reliable and easy-to-use in-motion axle weighing systems to measure the axle group weights of all outbound heavy vehicles and delivery trucks in Melbourne and Brisbane DCs.
The exclusive AxleWeigh 8000 Controller is available only from SCACO. Using sophisticated, algorithm-based weight analysis software, it represents the most efficient method of managing the NHVR mass management and Chain of Responsibility obligations. See: https://www.nhvr.gov.au/road-access/mass-dimension-and-loading
Above: AxleWeigh 8000 Driver control Station (DCS)
More than just a scale, the AxleWeigh 8000 captures axle group and total weight data but also compares that data with pre stored customer set weight limits allowing end users to take control of vehicle overloading and under-loading. The system is equipped with alerts for both over weight and over speed infringements.
What’s more, users can now also easily and seamlessly incorporate vehicle over-height detection systems like SCACO’s Height Detect 8000 into these in motion axle weighing systems. See: https://diverseco.com.au/industrial/heavy-vehicle-over-height-detection
When the axle weighing system is in operation the truck simply drives over the weigh plate at a slow and steady pace of around 5 km/hr. All captured data is recorded and available via a variety of export interfaces including USB, Ethernet, RS232/422/485 and in a variety of formats, CSV, FTP, SFTP, SAMBA, and more.
The driver then gets out of the truck and places their Dallas RFID Tag onto the Tag Reader surface of the DCS Data Entry Terminal and a weight docket is printed via the integrated docket printer. Truck details can also be entered via full QWERTY keypad for drivers without a tag.
It’s just that easy.
The weigh plate and intelligent software have already measured the weight of each axle and grouped them together according to physical spacing while the truck was driving over the weigh plate. By using the RFID tag or entering the vehicle ID and vehicle type via the keypad, the measured weights are then compared with the user defined limits (or legal limits) particular to each group type.
Above: sample DCS 8000 screen shot
A ticket is then issued to the driver showing the measured weight for each axle group, and the status of the measurement of either pass (OK) or fail (OVER) or close to the allowed limit (ALARM), the identity of the vehicle, transaction number, time and date.
Throughout the entire process the driver is instructed via the large overhead messaging & weight display with integrated traffic lights when driving over the weigh plate, and also by the clear 4.7” full colour screen of the DCS 8000 Data Entry Terminal.
Above left: DCS 8000 Driver Control Station. Right: External USB port of the DCS 8000
No two sites are the same, so often the data recording and exporting will also differ. For this particular user’s requirements the site in Brisbane opted for a manual export of CSV files via the weatherproof USB socket on the Data Entry Terminal of the DCS 8000 and the site in Melbourne opted for a fully integrated solution with automatic custom data export via FTP to suit the clients host system. The flexibility of the AxleWeigh 8000 system and capability of SCACO engineers makes acquisition of crucial Chain of Responsibility compliance data simple and easy.
In addition to all of this SCACO also provide reporting software for truck and driver statistics giving depot managers complete control of site statistics from their office based computers.
SCACO are able to design, supply, install and support the complete in-motion axle weighing system to end users as a sole contractor.
Alternatively we can supply the AxleWeigh 8000 System components and system software to other weighbridge manufacturers and work together with them to ensure our mutual customers receive optimum results and customer satisfaction.