AccuWeigh’s Queensland Service Department recently travelled to Inverell in northern NSW to convert a mechanical lever weighbridge to fully electronic. The customer performed the most of the preliminary work before we arrived to site, including craning the weighbridge deck and levers out of the pit and refurbishing the steel deck.
AccuWeigh’s fully-trained service personnel then fitted the underside of the weighbridge deck with dummy load cells and steel plinths in preparation for craning the deck back in to the pit. The crane was also used to flip the deck to its correct orientation before positioning.
Once the deck was positioned back inside the pit, the remainder of the project was not unlike most weighbridge conversions that AccuWeigh performs. This included grouting in the load cell base plates and installing the load cells. With this project, AccuWeigh’s AccuCell was chosen as the load cell of choice because of its rugged stainless steel canister body and its proven reliability over hundreds of installations throughout Australia.
To complete this project, AccuWeigh used its weighbridge test rig unit to calibrate the newly converted weighbridge to its maximum capacity.
Although AccuWeigh is an Australian leader in supplying new weighbridges, we also excel at refurbishing existing weighbridges, as with this project. And whether it be converting a weighbridge from mechanical to electronic, modernising the type of load cells that a weighbridge uses, or adding advanced weighbridge technology to help improve site productivity and performance, AccuWeigh has the experience and expertise to deliver excellent results.
To learn more about how AccuWeigh can upgrade your existing weighbridge and transform it in to a competitive advantage, contact the weighbridge supplier with the experience that counts.